Mga Pahina

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

IT8 - Correcting

  • Digital cameras tend to cause various problems, such as "red eye" or "hot spots", if you use flash or underexpose if you don't.
  • The digital camera flash is located right above the lens, which causes the "red eye". However, you can fix your photos easily in photoshop. The following are the steps to remove the "red eye":
  1. Open a photo you wish to correct.
  2. Select the zoom tool from the toolbox. Click and drag to draw a rectangle around the eye.
  3. Make sure your default foreground and background colors are set to black and white.
  4. Click on the little black triangle of the Healing Brush Tool button and select the "Red Eye Tool".
  5. Click on the red and paint, holding down the mouse button. You will see how the red will disappear.
  • Using of flash also cause another problem - shiny areas on people's faces or the flash reflection in the shiny surfaces steps:
  1. Open a photo you wish to correct.
  2. Select the Clone Stamp Tool from the toolbox.
  3. In the option bar, change the Blend Mode from Normal to Darken.
  4. Set the Opacity to 50 percent.
  5. Choose the Soft-edge brush, set the diameter to 40 to 50.
  6. Hold down the Shift key and click the clean area (without "Hot spots") to get a sample of color.
  7. Paint over the hot spots, the light area will gradually darken.

  • If you took pictures indoors without a flash they will turn out underexposed and dark; in Photoshop you can make your photos lighter. To fix underexposed photos, follow these steps:
  1. Open a digital photo you wish to correct.
  2. In the main menu, go to Layers>Duplicate. In the Duplicate Layer dialog box, move the Layer 1.
  3. Make sure Layer 1 is selected in the layers palette. In the Blending Mode drop down box, change the Blending Mode to screen. The whole image will lighten.
  4. Keep duplicating Layer till you are satisfied with your image.

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